Piece of the Pie: Understanding Share of Voice

Online platforms, television networks and radio services distribute thousands of
messages every day to consumers around the world. Understanding a brand’s
presence in the market amidst the noise can help them better understand their audience
as well as potential challenges and advantages over their competitors.

Conducting and analyzing a brand’s Share of Voice (SOV) can begin to reveal how
effectively a brand resonates with audiences compared to its competitors. Whether
launching a new product line, managing a crisis or simply aiming to boost brand
awareness, mastering SOV can provide crucial insights and strategies for success. To
effectively use SOV, however, brands must understand what SOV is, assess their
current standing and appreciate the potential impact their brand position may have.

Share of voice tells the bigger story.

  1. Defining SOV: SOV refers to the percent of media coverage a brand receives
    compared to the total media coverage in their industry for a period of time1 .
    Consider all the companies in one industry as a full pie, where each company’s
    media coverage represents a slice. If one brand’s media coverage is a big slice,
    it means they have a high SOV, showing that they dominate more of the
    conversation at that time. Only 37% of public relations (PR) professionals
    understand and utilize earned media SOV to support their clients’ brands2 ; and
    while basic SOV metrics (e.g. number of clips, potential audience) may not tell
    the whole story, an expert will do a deeper analysis to provide more context. It is
    important to note that SOV is not a one-time analysis: SOV should be conducted
    frequently and consistently as the media landscape changes daily.
  1. Brand position: Conducting SOV analysis for a brand provides insights on how
    much visibility their messages are receiving in comparison to their competitors.
    Brands with a larger SOV reach larger audiences3 . Aside from providing insights
    on brand visibility, SOV analyses can also shed light on industry perception.
    Having the largest SOV when the news is neutral or good can be positive for a
    brand; but having the largest piece of the pie when sentiment is negative means
    that more people have higher visibility of the negative things about a brand,
    which can damage the brand’s reputation or even turn a negative story into a full-
    blown PR crisis4.
  2. Understanding the impact: Experts who understand the impact of SOV can
    provide educated insights for all levels of the mar-comm spectrum; from strategic
    planning to crisis management. Comparing the amount of publicity and audience
    exposure allows brands to understand where they should allocate their resources
    – like focusing on pitching outlets that offer the most favorable coverage or
    investing time in those that provide a greater reach to target audiences.
    Consistent SOV analysis can help brands acknowledge and address positive and
    negative stories and gauge the media’s – and potential customers’ – interest.

Conducting and analyzing SOV can be a big undertaking, but the data-driven decisions
that can be drawn from doing so provides better insights on the brand’s position
compared to competitors and can significantly impact marketing and communication
efforts. Consumers see thousands of media messages daily5, SOV analysis can help a
brand understand where they fit into the bigger picture.

At JDPR, we invest heavily in third-party software to measure and report on SOV. We
are experts in providing guidance on how to move beyond the numbers and we
dedicate efforts to improving our clients’ influence in the market. To learn more about
JDPR, SOV and how we can help your business, reach out to us at jdpr.com or give us
a call at (864) 233-3776.

1The Beginner’s Guide to Share of Voice, Rebecca Riserbato, 2022
2Share of voice: What it is and how to calculate it, Muck Rack, 2023,
3Share of Voice (SOV), Later, 2024, https://later.com/social-media-
4Share of Voice (SOV): How to measure It & Tips to Boost SOV, Shubham Gupta, 2024
5Thinking vs Feeling: The psychology of advertising, University of Southern California
MS in Applied Psychology, 2023,